
We had the longest, farthest, most tiring, and best hiking experience.
a walk from downtown to the golden gate park. What a joke!
anyone would think we're crazy to walk such a distance.
But, we did it. this morning.
HELL! It was so cool! Terry met us at 8.30 sharp and we started off by
having the best pastries in pine + laguna. It was really delicious. Terry always recommends
the best thang on the entire planet.

Then, all the way to haight Ashbury.
Some 'hip downtown' with shops along the street.
Awesome shops i can say.
Turntables, graphic tees, print parlor, restos and caffs.

Then we passed by this park, terry named it "the creepy park."
This particular park has been always filled with drug traffickers and
sex activities going on. So, beware.
Anyway, Gay Day is coming. and i heard the parade will
stretch to Castro and tht park..

So, we reached the park... finally.
We visited lawn bowling. The grass is really firm and smooth.
Then the botanic garden. hella spacious.
we got kinda lost actually. Supposed to exit from the garden and reached the boating place.
But somehow tht didn't happen.
so, we gotta turn back and walk from the other side.
complicated i tell u... furthermore, there's a frog.
That disgusting thing never gonna get into my interest.
and yay.. we reached the lake...
We rowed the boat around and there's this tunnel of love.
nice setting, believe me:)

We got Korean food and russian candies for lunch.
Sweet isnt it.
So good, the taste doesn go.
Then there's this bookstore down by clement.
Again, another one of terry's recommnendation.
The bookstore that never sleeps.
All kinda books from homo art to not-so-pretty kitties.
They are just soo amazing.

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